Art No. CXCOU £205.50 includes Jack, Sleeve as well as P+P CX Cou Great all round boule from the Cou range. Soft carbon steel boule for shooters and pointers alike giving a minimum recoil but also its outstanding balance ensures a straight line when throwing and rolling. Finished in a black satin which will wear off during play. The grip is superb and comes in increments of 10 grms 3 year warranty (except the marks, which are caused by the clash due to the low degree of hardness). Degree of hardness: Semi Soft. Agreement-signet of the FlPJP and weight are engraved. Dia 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 and 76mm Weight 650 to 750grms available in sizes given in increments of 10grms Also available in 80mm diameter and 800grams Patterns available 0 and 1. Shown below as new and with wear after a season
