The choice of boule.
We have so far looked at Diameter, Weight, Pattern and hardness. Today we are looking at the material they are made from, thats, Carbon steel or Stainless steel.
Here we see the before and after photos of a new and played with boule in both Carbon Steel and Stainless steel ( Top set ) . The beauty of Stainless steel is it does not oxidise. That’s rust to you and me. The surface is just slightly duller as you can see. Now some players prefer the grip of a carbon steel boule but some players hate the fact that your hands can get a bit black when playing with them and when they get wet and packed away reveal a surprise when you get them back out again after a couple of weeks. Stainless steel are relatively maintenance free. It is a choice and as we are looking at boule we thought we would mention it. Obut have Carbon and Stainless versions of their boule but can be tricky to spot. RCC and RCX being the most obvious in the range.
